Writing Samples
Here, you can find links to a selection of my best game writing work, from high fantasy hijinks to reflective tragedies in the making.
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Arcane Frontier Barks & Dialogue
I wrote these overworld barks and dialogue trees for a narrative game centered on a sturggling mining town in the midst of a second magical gold rush. The setting is gloomy and bleak, but humans tend to find levity in even the darkest times.
Photo by Sarah Lachise on Unsplash.

Critter Cove Barks & Items
This spreadsheet has a selection of dialogue lines and flavor text I wrote for Critter Cove, formatted exactly as they are in the game files. The text has a goofy, humorous tilt, but I worked hard to convey the depth of the world alongside the silliness.
Screenshot from the Critter Cove Twitter.

Written to demonstrate my aptitude with horror, EMPTY describes gameplay and cinematics from the opening sequence of a game about a marriage beaten down by depression.
Trigger Warning: Spousal neglect, depression, body horror.
Photo by William Topa on Unsplash.

Asteria Codex
Here you'll find three prose discoveries and one bestiary entry for the interactive Discord bot Asteria RPG. I wrote them to establish the world of Asteria in an engaging, lighthearted way.
Photo by Nick Night on Unsplash

Ekphrasia Teaser
I created this Twine teaser as a proof of concept for a longer interactive story by the same name. The protagonist is a hopeless twenty-something who sees the subject of a recurring childhood dream manifest before her.
Trigger Warning: Derealization, hallucination, suicide mention.
Photo by Ruchindra Gunasekara on Unsplash.

Keaton Bond Story
I wrote this script for Puzzle Legends, a narrative-heavy mobile gacha RPG that emphasized the bonds people share. Part of this was done through Bond Stories, sidequests where the protagonist deepened her friendship with one of the many heroes of the game - in this case, Keaton, the Queen’s young but stern bodyguard.
Image created from Puzzle Legends assets.

Song of Rebellion
This quest was originally created for my ongoing TTRPG campaign, Veiled River. I have since adapted it into a sample for an open-world RPG like The Witcher or Cyberpunk 2077. It's presented as part of a longer quest line, but it stands alone well.
Photo by Sebastian Pichler on Unsplash.